الجمعة، 13 فبراير 2015

دكتور سعيد مأمون السقعان استشارى التغذية العلاجية والصحة العامة

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. ياريت شيء للنخافه

  2. As reported by Stanford Medical, It is really the ONLY reason women in this country live 10 years more and weigh an average of 42 pounds lighter than we do.

    (Just so you know, it really has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and EVERYTHING around "HOW" they eat.)

    P.S, I said "HOW", not "WHAT"...

    TAP on this link to determine if this quick quiz can help you find out your real weight loss potential

  3. Do this hack to drop 2lb of fat in 8 hours

    Over 160 thousand women and men are using a simple and secret "liquid hack" to drop 1-2lbs each night while they sleep.

    It is simple and works on everybody.

    You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:

    1) Hold a drinking glass and fill it with water half glass

    2) And now use this proven hack

    you'll be 1-2lbs lighter in the morning!
